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Medical treatment

The prerequisites for medical treatment

Medical treatment (e.g. funding agency, pension insurance, etc.) is requested from your local insurance provider.

The first thing you need to do is visit your GP or specialist. It must be confirmed by a certificate stating that a medical treatment is necessary. You then submit this certificate to the health insurance company and obtain an application for the German Pension Fund. Your attending physician then sends the completed application to the appropriate funding agency. 

The funding agency then selects the clinic, taking into account their patient's wishes. According to Section 9 Para. 1 of the German Social Code (SGB) IX, you definitely have a so-called "right to choose". I.e., you can choose your rehabilitation clinic provided that the facility is suitable and approved for your clinical condition.

For a list of diseases and measures after which a medical treatment comes into consideration, see indications.

Funding agencies of medical treatment are:

  • Employees and workers, the German Pension Insurance
  • Government employees, the state aid agency and private insurance
  • Self-employed, the patient (reimbursement by tariff through the      insurance)
  • Pensioners and housewives, health insurance